The Rise of Laser Removal

by Rachel Tucker

Laser tattoo removal is on the rise according to British Association of Dermatologists, who suggest a third of all tattooed people end up having them removed.


The survey conducted by the British Association of Dermatologists found that one third of those with tattoos regretted them, but less than half of those would actually consider removal.

Laser tattoo removal expert, Chrissy Takaloo, of The Kitchen Body Art, suggests there are reasons for this which go deeper than what the media portray as “regret“.

Laser tattoo removal machine. Photo courtesy of Kitairu.

Laser tattoo removal machine. Photo courtesy of Kitairu.

“At the shop we see an average of five people a week coming in for laser tattoo removal. Admittedly some of that number are because they fell out of love with their tattoo and want it gone completely.

But the majority of clients having laser removal are getting something lightened so they can get new work over it. They aren’t always people that have gone off the idea of tattoos altogether.”

“I wasn’t happy”

Gym owner, Tony Whisker, underwent a number of laser removal sessions on his arm.

“I went through laser removal because I wasn’t happy with the work anymore. Tattoo work has progressed a lot since I got my first piece.

Tony Whiskers tattoo removal process. Photo courtesy of Tony Whisker.

Tony Whisker’s tattoo removal process. Photo courtesy of Tony Whisker.

“Artists are of a better quality now and there’s more to chose from.”


Getting a tattoo removed with a laser isn’t the only option if you aren’t happy with a tattoo. Make up retailer, Escentual, has seen a 32% rise in sales of make up concealers for tattoos in the past year, according to the Daily Mail.

Escentual copy writer and tattoo enthusiast, Lauren, said: “Chances are you’ve spent a lot of money on the tattoos that you have (a cheap tattoo isn’t good and a good tattoo isn’t cheap after all) but there may be times where you want to cover them up, for example a wedding or a job interview.”

This may seem impossible, especially if the tattoo has a lot of black in it, however there are a number of handy little products that is great for camouflaging a number of things, including tattoos. It is possible!”

You can watch a video using Dermablend on tattoos below:

Dermablend can be purchased here.

For more information on the laser removal process, click here.

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