Tattoos: Does Older Mean Wiser?

by Rachel Tucker

A number of statistics have shown that 30-39 year-olds are the most tattooed generation. The legal age to get a tattoo is 18 and above, so why are we waiting?


Tattooist, Jordan Baker tells us: “The age range is wide, but you mainly get middle aged clients in the shop, maybe because they have a steady income. But the oldest I’ve tattooed is a 66-year-old woman.”

Part of Wendell Hibben's sleeve. Photo courtesy of Jordan Baker.

Part of Wendell Hibben’s sleeve. Photo courtesy of Jordan Baker.

But his main theory behind this isn’t money. He says: “Quality, the pain levels, the ability, everything has progressed much further than it was even 20-years-ago.”

Wendell Hibben is a dedicated client of Jordan’s and is having a sleeve completed by him which he began when he turned 40. He thinks differently.

“It was far more prejudiced when I was younger, now it’s fashionable and it’s better that you can have tattoos and carry on with normal life.”

You can watch the interview with Jordan and Wendell below.

“Young Persons Thing”

Some people are waiting even longer to get their first tattoo.

Last year, grandmother Heather Brooks, got her first tattoo at the age of 90, at Belly Bar, Canterbury.

Heather getting her tattoo by Kat Meicu. Photo courtesy of Kent Online.

Heather getting her tattoo by artist, Kat Meicu. Photo courtesy of Kent Online.

She told Kent Online: “It is something that had never crossed my mind because I’m not actually a fan of them and it’s more of a young person’s thing.

“But my grandchildren Aston and Kendal both have them and sort of talked me into it.

“At first I wasn’t sure what to have and thought about a little kitten, but my daughter Clare suggested the pink cancer ribbon because of what I have been through.

“I was diagnosed with bowel cancer five years ago and had to go through a lot of chemotherapy.”

If statistics are right and you’re least likely to regret a tattoo after the age of 21, maybe waiting is the best idea.

Why do you think people are waiting to get tattooed? Take part in our poll below, leave a comment or tweet us with your thoughts.

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